Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
08/02/02 -- Vol. 21, No. 5

El Presidente: Mark Leeper,
The Power Behind El Pres: Evelyn Leeper,
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	A Question with a Twist (comments by Mark R. Leeper)
	READ MY LIPS (film review by Mark R. Leeper)


TOPIC: A Question with a Twist (comments by Mark R. Leeper)

I have had a question at the back of my mind for several years.  
It constitutes a small crisis of faith that the view of the 
universe as it has been presented to me is completely understood 
as well as people think it is.  I have asked several people, all 
knowledgeable about science, and I have gotten different answers 
from each.  In fact the best answer I have gotten was from a 
friend who knows his stuff really well, Bill Higgins, who told me 
straightforwardly that he simply did not know the answer.  Fair 
enough.  Certainly it is the sort of question that I expect would 
have a well-known answer and the answer does not seem at all well-
known.  The question appears to me to be perfectly straightforward 
and one that anyone would ask, but then my background is 
mathematical.  There are probably very few people who look at what 
they have learned in the field of biology who ask themselves if 
something they have learned makes sense from the standpoint of 
mathematical topology.

Well, rather than be mysterious, let me tell you what the question 
is.  Our genetic reproductive system is based on DNA.  DNA is made 
up of a very long molecule in the form of a double helix.  That 
means there are really two strands that run the length of the 
molecule wrapping around each other, almost as if the molecule was 
a very long ribbon that was twisted.  It is twisted very many 
times.  If what I have been told is correct and I remember it, it 
is twisted somewhere on the order of 100,000 times for human DNA.  
This means that each strand goes around the other strand 100,000 
times.  When the two strands are ready to replicate they break 
apart and each strand goes its merry way.  This process takes on 
the order of thirty minutes.  Then each strand basically 
reproduces a mate identical (but for possible mutations) to the 
one it just lost.  And, Voila!, reproduction has taken place.  I 
think I got that right.  The textbooks and the NOVA TV programs 
show diagrams of this happening always showing just a short 
segment of the DNA with almost no twist.  And everybody thinks 
they completely follow what has just happened.  Everyone but me 
that is.  I still have a bad feeling about that explanation.  I am 
trying to picture what happens when you have ten twists in the 
section of the helix, never mind 100,000.  Now the two chains are 
each wrapped around the other ten times.  Pulling them apart is a 
little harder to picture.  Unless the ends start spinning to 
unwind you just push the twists down the helix where they bunch 

If that is not clear, try this experiment.  Take two pieces of 
thread each the same length, about a foot long, one black, one 
white.  Place them side-by-side and then twist them tightly 
together so that they make one thick string made of a black strand 
and a white strand.  Now grab them toward the middle of the string 
and separate the two strands, one black, one white, for maybe a 
quarter of an inch.  Now try to sharply pull the two threads 
apart.  Without the ends spinning very fast the threads just will 
not separate.  The same thing has to happen to the DNA molecule.  
How fast does it have to be spinning in DNA?  Well if there are 
100,000 twists and it has to separate in about half an hour that 
is 100,000/1800 revolutions per second.  That works out to be 
about 56 revolutions per second.  That is not tremendously fast as 
gasoline engines go, but it still is pretty fast as I picture 
cellular biology actions happen.  It must take a log of energy.  
And it has to be very well organized so that we don't run into the 
kinking that we would get with the threads.  It is pretty close to 
the rotational speed to a car engine.  Maybe that is how thing 
happen, but it seems like it would require a lot of energy to do 
that.  It makes the cell seem a lot more active than I had 
imagined it was.

As one friend explained to me sagely, I was looking at it wrong.  
These are not threads, he explained, but molecules.  "They do not 
have to do all that spinning because they are being separated by 
an enzyme."  "So?", I asked.  "Well the enzyme does the 
separation."  "So how do the two strands separate without all the 
untwisting?"  "The enzyme does it."  Now my respect for enzymes is 
second to none.  They are just super little proteins in my book.  
That is mostly because I am not sure exactly what an enzyme can 
do.  But there is one thing I am almost certain an enzyme cannot 
do.  An enzyme cannot break the laws of mathematics.  They are not 
allowed an exemption from the mathematical laws of topology.  If 
two long chains of a molecule are twisted together no enzyme is 
going to get them apart unbroken by any means but untwisting them.

Not quite so much energy is required if you can break a strand 
where you want and rejoin it.  Some people have claimed that is one 
function of an enzyme.  That may make this less of an logistical 
feat, but not that much less.  There still is a lot of untwisting 
to account for.

So I really have two questions.  One is how does the separation 
handle all the untwisting.  The other, which may sound a little 
pompous, I admit, but I will ask it anyway.  With all the people 
who have studied DNA and how it works from high school biology to 
laboratory study, why haven't more people asked themselves this 
question?  [-mrl]


TOPIC: READ MY LIPS (film review by Mark R. Leeper)

CAPSULE: French thriller about a partially deaf woman who can read 
lips.  The skill proves to have unexpected upsides and downsides 
when she gets involved with a parolee who wants to use the talent.  
There are tense scenes but the plot is too much building up to one 
particular sequence and then tidying up afterward.  Rating: 6 (0 
to 10), +1 (-4 to +4)

READ MY LIPS is an action thriller from France that features a 
slow build of tension to a meager pay-off.  I would feel a little 
better about it as a film if I felt that it was a whole film.  
Instead, I feel there is one really good scene.  The rest builds 
up to that scene and then squares things up after it.  Admittedly 
there is some suspense and some action in the build-up and the 
tidy-up parts, but they are all mostly in service to one scene 
that is fairly clever.  One fairly good scene wrapped in some good 
suspense is more than most crime films give the audience but not 
quite enough to make this a standout film.

Carla Bhem (played by Emmanuelle Devos) has serious problems in 
her job as a secretary in a contracting firm.  She is nearly deaf 
and totally marginalized to the point where she can barely hear 
and she is barely seen.  Certainly her workspace is the in the low 
rent end of the office near the restroom and the copier.  People 
use her desk to leave half empty paper cups and if people spill 
coffee on her desk in the process they usually do not even notice 
they have done it.  She is used as one more service to the working 
staff.  Her supervisor, however, suggests that she is over-worked 
and should hire help.  For one of the rare times she thinks she 
can get a perk out of working in the office.  She can choose the 
type of person she wants as a helper.  She has very specific 

The employment agency sends over a man, Paul Angeli (Vincent 
Cassel).  Carla is glad to have someone to help and who knows she 
exists, but she is worried she may be training her own 
replacement.  She quickly discovers that Paul is a prison parolee 
with no experience--not much of a threat.  Carla decides to keep 
him in that narrow range, too good for the bosses to fire but not 
good enough to replace her.  She is determined to help Paul hide 
his past and to help him hold his job.  She savors a little odd 
sexual tension with Paul, but does not want to let on.  She also 
decides she can use Paul's criminal talents to move her up an inch 
or so in office politics.  However, when Paul discovers Carla 
reads lips he thinks he knows an unorthodox way to put her skill 
to use for him.

Paul and Carla play games of control on each other and allow a 
little sexual tension to bloom.  That is unusual in a film in 
which the two main characters are not presented as being 
particularly attractive people.  Each of them is sly but in very 
different ways.  Toward the middle of the film things become a 
little more complex and a little harder to follow.  Part of the 
problem in this part of the story is that a plot has been added 
with Paul's parole officer.  It strikes the viewer as an add-on of 
little value to the main line of the plot.  In fact, when it does 
impact the main line it ties one hole up only by opening another.  
In the last third of the film there is a turn for heavier violence 
and blood.  Carla is pulled by Paul into a hard-knocks world that 
she is unprepared for.  Some members of the audience were bothered 
by the graphic depiction of torture, an unusual degree for a film 
treated as an art film.

Though the film's style has been compared to Hitchcock, though 
these are not the entirely innocent people that Hitchcock usually 
would have used.  They are game players.  To emphasize any 
connection to Hitchcock Alexandre Desplat's score even uses 
violins for tension in style much like Bernard Herrmann would have 
for a Hitchcock film.  Jacques Audiard co-wrote and directed.  
Perhaps the film delivers more as a character study than as a 
thriller, but I rate at a 6 on the 0 to 10 scale and a +1 on the -
4 to +4 scale.  [-mrl]


                                          Mark Leeper

            Travel, instead of broadening the mind, often 
            merely lengthens the conversation.
                                          -- Elizabeth Drew

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